Ruta 40

img_0105img_01011img_0048I am now in San Martin, I spent 2 nights with Leigh Anne, Paul, Nick and Lol in El Bolson just south of Bariloche, it is a small hippie type village and we stayed in this funcky little cabin in the woods. Had the best meal of the trip, the girls made a really great beef stew and plum crumble, as the weather has been cold and wet it was just the right thing with plenty of Quilmes to wash it down. The ruta 40 is a rough dirt, rocky road, quite hectic at times but it went fine. Bariloche is real nice, I took the road through Nahel Huape national park via the lakes to San Martin, that is really wow stunning lakes, mountins and amazing forests. San Martin is a beautifull small town on this lake, mutch nicer than Bariloche. I move on to Chile tomorrow and to Pucon via the lake district. It looks like winter is arriving early in most places I visit, I just need to find a warm place and I’ll hang around for a few days. More from Chile

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