Chilly in Punta Arenas

img_0082img_0095I left Ushaia yesterday morning , yes it was freezing, I had to stop in Rio Grande to repair the panier frames,  as it had cracked in a few places. I stopped at an engineering works where they welded it up and refused to charge me a cent. The people here all along the way have been most friendly and have offered assistance in other towns along the way The value system here is still very much in tact. The trip here was insane the wind blew so hardthat it was difficult to get above 60kmh,it really tried to rip my head off, when I get back I’ll be able to eat from the tree tops. Today Imove on to El Calafate and do the glaciers tomorrow.

One Response to “Chilly in Punta Arenas”

  1. Shirls says:

    Hey there…glad I am not the one doing the freezing…It was 35 here today…Jacks one hammy took a huge munch out of the other including leg and shoulder and half the face so the vet had to put the poor fellow to sleep…Jack was most distraught!!! Then the other escaped into the couch not to be see til we cut the couch open and beat it out…am so over hammies…Off to the game farm for a week, cant wait!!! Happy travels, love hearing your news…look after yourself and enjoy!